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Late payment of invoices
스레드 게시자: Julie Barber
Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
Apr 18


I have worked with an agency on and off for many years, and they have always paid me.

Recently they have started paying late - up to 2-3 weeks late.

I know from the Blueboard that they were banned from posting at one point, then reinstated.

I am based in the UK and the agency is operating out of Belgium but is legally registered in Hungary (offices in Brussels, Frankfurt and Budapest).

No reasons are provided for the delays and
... See more

I have worked with an agency on and off for many years, and they have always paid me.

Recently they have started paying late - up to 2-3 weeks late.

I know from the Blueboard that they were banned from posting at one point, then reinstated.

I am based in the UK and the agency is operating out of Belgium but is legally registered in Hungary (offices in Brussels, Frankfurt and Budapest).

No reasons are provided for the delays and the communication is rather sketchy at times.
The admin staff apologise, but no real input from the finance team.

Does this usually signal that an agency is in financial trouble? Is there any way of recovering money from a Hungarian entity while I am UK based?



Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
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@Julie Apr 18

Being banned (even if they have been reinstated) is always a bad sign. Another translator has recently complained of non-payment of a 10 EUR invoice (?!). After Brexit, I have no idea how you can recover money from a Hungarian entity as the European Payment Order no longer applies…

Dan Lucas
Julie Barber
Josephine Cassar
Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
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True Apr 18

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida wrote:

Being banned (even if they have been reinstated) is always a bad sign. Another translator has recently complained of non-payment of a 10 EUR invoice (?!). After Brexit, I have no idea how you can recover money from a Hungarian entity as the European Payment Order no longer applies…

Thanks, Maria. Yes, it's true that it's not a good sign. I never had any problems with them in the past, then issues have started over the last 9 months or so. This invoice is for 1.5K euro, so I am fed up with it now.

I suppose that I will need to sit it out for the moment.

If anybody wants to know who it is, please send me a PM.



Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
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@Julie Apr 18

I must say that every time I had a non-payment issue, Proz staff has always been very helpful. You should open a non-payment report (https://help.proz.com/how-to-open-a-non-payment-report) or send a support ticket together with all the data regarding your non-payment issue. Good luck!

Julie Barber
Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
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Thanks Apr 18

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida wrote:

I must say that every time I had a non-payment issue, Proz staff has always been very helpful. You should open a non-payment report (https://help.proz.com/how-to-open-a-non-payment-report) or send a support ticket together with all the data regarding your non-payment issue. Good luck!

That's a great idea, thank you.

Yolanda Broad
Tony Keily
Tony Keily
Local time: 00:16
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I have the same problem Apr 19

... with a number of agencies now. Things are evidently going badly in the sector this year. The evidence is everywhere, for anyone who wants to see it.

Julie Barber
Yuliya Sedykh
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:16
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Dump them Apr 20

I don't know what kind of trick they pulled to get reinstated again, but as Maria Teresa wrote, being banned but getting reinstated is not a good sign.

You say that you have been working with them on and off, which means that this client of yours is not an important client. If you have trouble getting paid, I suggest you tell them that if they are not going to pay on time, you would decline to do jobs for them.
And if the problem still persists, the only solution would be to
... See more
I don't know what kind of trick they pulled to get reinstated again, but as Maria Teresa wrote, being banned but getting reinstated is not a good sign.

You say that you have been working with them on and off, which means that this client of yours is not an important client. If you have trouble getting paid, I suggest you tell them that if they are not going to pay on time, you would decline to do jobs for them.
And if the problem still persists, the only solution would be to dump them. I know it takes a lot of energy and hassle to write reminders to them inquiring about your money and wondering everyday thinking that will I be paid today? Not good for both mental and physical health.

[Edited at 2024-04-20 12:28 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Julie Barber
Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei
Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
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Thanks Apr 21

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

I don't know what kind of trick they pulled to get reinstated again, but as Maria Teresa wrote, being banned but getting reinstated is not a good sign.

You say that you have been working with them on and off, which means that this client of yours is not an important client. If you have trouble getting paid, I suggest you tell them that if they are not going to pay on time, you would decline to do jobs for them.
And if the problem still persists, the only solution would be to dump them. I know it takes a lot of energy and hassle to write reminders to them inquiring about your money and wondering everyday thinking that will I be paid today? Not good for both mental and physical health.

[Edited at 2024-04-20 12:28 GMT]

Yes, I must take a more proactive approach towards telling them in advance of any work. Thanks for your thoughts.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Tomoki Minohara
Tomoki Minohara  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:16
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Involve the final client Apr 22

I suggest you send an email to the final client who requested the translation if you know
their name or website (you need to also send the same email to the translation agency in CC).
This approach worked well for me when one agency ignored my repeated requests.
The company replied to me immediately after reading the email and the payment was done the same day.

Julie Barber
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:16
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take the global situation and the relationship into account Apr 22

Tony Keily wrote:

... with a number of agencies now. Things are evidently going badly in the sector this year. The evidence is everywhere, for anyone who wants to see it.

I can confirm that some agencies are in troubles. So I would react depending on how good the collaboration and the relationship have been in the past. If the agency is in temporary difficulties, you could try to talk with them about this and find a solution, e.g. deferred payment.
We don't have a crystal ball, though. No one is able to say which businesses will resist to the current slowdown.

[Bearbeitet am 2024-04-22 09:01 GMT]

Julie Barber
Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
주제 스타터
Thanks Apr 22

Tomoki Minohara wrote:

I suggest you send an email to the final client who requested the translation if you know
their name or website (you need to also send the same email to the translation agency in CC).
This approach worked well for me when one agency ignored my repeated requests.
The company replied to me immediately after reading the email and the payment was done the same day.

Thanks for your input. Yes, I do know who the final client is. I wouldn't want to take that route just now because it would obviously end any future business together. However, if the bill isn't settled then it is certainly an option. In future, I will ask them for payment upfront.

Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
주제 스타터
True Apr 22

Zea_Mays wrote:

Tony Keily wrote:

... with a number of agencies now. Things are evidently going badly in the sector this year. The evidence is everywhere, for anyone who wants to see it.

I can confirm that some agencies are in troubles. So I would react depending on how good the collaboration and the relationship have been in the past. If the agency is in temporary difficulties, you could try to talk with them about this and find a solution, e.g. deferred payment.
We don't have a crystal ball, though. No one is able to say which businesses will resist to the current slowdown.

[Bearbeitet am 2024-04-22 09:01 GMT]

Hi, thanks for your thoughts.

At the weekend, I spent some time looking at the websites of other translation agencies AND looking at some of their accounts at Companies House. It was really interesting because I saw that one company that is relatively new has tons of cash in the bank. In the space of only several years it has taken its bank account to the same level as some agencies that have been established for 20 years. I noted that most agencies offer 'standard' services even if they offer a wide range. The agency that is doing super well for itself offers some very niche services to business customers - the sort of services that could bring in big money. I do know that the agency in question pays low rates which no doubt helps their finances. But I found it interesting and it led me to wonder what I can offer that is a bit different and cannot easily be taken over by MT or AL.

[Edited at 2024-04-22 10:51 GMT]

Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
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OK Apr 22

Tony Keily wrote:

... with a number of agencies now. Things are evidently going badly in the sector this year. The evidence is everywhere, for anyone who wants to see it.

Thanks, Tony. That is worrying to hear!!

Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 00:16
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Thoughts Apr 22

Tony Keily wrote:

... with a number of agencies now. Things are evidently going badly in the sector this year. The evidence is everywhere, for anyone who wants to see it.

I'm not sure how bad or good my clients are doing, but they all still pay as they always have, and the work still comes as it always has. I have 1 agency client who told me over the phone that they had a rough time past August and September. I have no idea how they are doing today. The only thing I know for sure is they won a few months ago once again the bid for a government-related client they approach me for a few times a year.

What I do know is that the agencies will be the first to get the big blows because of their biggest weakness : they are intermediaries and therefore (way) more expensive. The freelancers will be the last to leave the building and switch off the light (if that moment would ever come).

Julie Barber
Julie Barber  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
프랑스어에서 영어
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It depends Apr 22

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Tony Keily wrote:

... with a number of agencies now. Things are evidently going badly in the sector this year. The evidence is everywhere, for anyone who wants to see it.

I'm not sure how bad or good my clients are doing, but they all still pay as they always have, and the work still comes as it always has. I have 1 agency client who told me over the phone that they had a rough time past August and September. I have no idea how they are doing today. The only thing I know for sure is they won a few months ago once again the bid for a government-related client they approach me for a few times a year.

What I do know is that the agencies will be the first to get the big blows because of their biggest weakness : they are intermediaries and therefore (way) more expensive. The freelancers will be the last to leave the building and switch off the light (if that moment would ever come).

I think that it depends on what the agencies are offering....some agencies offer in-depth services for video editing, training platforms etc and 'whole packages' that freelancers usually can't take on by themselves.

When I was looking at agencies' financial statements at Companies House, I saw that a lot of them owe several hundred thousand pounds to their suppliers, and are also owed several hundred thousand from their clients. There's nothing wrong with that if the money is duly collected, but rather hair raising all the same.

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Late payment of invoices

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