Freelance translators » 프랑스어에서 독일어 » Other » Page 8
Below is a list of Other 분야 번역의 프랑스어에서 독일어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 오른편에서 보다 상세한 분야를 선택할 수 있습니다.
검색 결과 317 ( 멤버십 결제)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
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Array조리/요리, 특허, 국제 조직/개발/협력
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German, English, French, translation, interpreting, interpretation, translator, marketing, health, insurance, ...
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Übersetzung Deutsch Rumänisch, Übersetzung Rumänisch Deutsch, juristische Übersetzungen Rumänisch, Rechtsübersetzungen Rumänisch, Webseiten, Web-Seiten, site-uri web, Firmenpräsentationen, Handelskorrespondenz, Geschäftsbriefe, ...
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English, German, French, Spanish, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, novels, short stories, poetry, ...
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Array은비주의 관행, 정부/정치, 국제 조직/개발/협력, 증명서, 학위, 면허, 이력서 , ...
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Sabine Wersching (X)Native in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Swiss, Germany)
english, french, german, romanian, translation
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Französisch-Deutsch, Fachübersetzungen, Technik, Recht, Webseiten, Traductions français-allemand, documentation technique, juridique, économique, logicielle, ...
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France, pension, Rente, social security, sécurité sociale, Paris, contracts, diplomas, Verträge, Sozialversicherung, ...
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Investment Banking, Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Company Reports, Accounting, Management Accounting, General Finance, Tax, Legal, Agreements, ...
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svenska, tyska, schwedisch, deutsch, französisch, übersetzen, Tourismus, turism, tourisme, Schweden, ...
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Carola BAYLENative in 독일어  , 프랑스어 (Variants: Swiss, Standard-France) 
Grande polyvalence; longue expérience; médecine, medical devices
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english, italian, french, spanish, german
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Array스포츠/신체 단련/취미, 영화 산업, 영화, TV, 드라마, 게임/비디오 게임/도박/카지노 , 일반/대화/안부 인사/편지, ...
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climate, change, energy, ecology, transition, environment, greenhouse effect, medical, nature, rules, ...
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translation, revision, proofreading, italian, german, french, english, law, judicial, politics, ...
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Graduate Translator for Russian and French to German; insurance, finance
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german, italian, nutrition, diet, beauty, lifestyle, food, beverage, cosmetics, pharma, ...
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D.K. TannwitzNative in 독일어 (Variants: Bavarian, Austrian, Germany, Platt / Nieder (Low German))
contract law, literature, documentation, patents, medicine, biology, mining, economy, data systems, communications, ...
160 |
Übersetzer, Übersetzungen, Korrektur, Französisch, Russisch, Deutsch, juristisch, Recht, Zivilrecht, Kunst, ...
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번역가는 통역가처럼 하나의 언어를 다른 언어로 번역해 문화 간의 의사소통을 가능하게 합니다. 번역가는 구어와는 반대로 문어 텍스트로 일을 합니다.
번역은 하나의 언어에서 다른 언어로의 단순한 단어 대 단어 전환 그 이상의 것을 포함합니다. 번역가는 반드시 원어 및 번역어와 관련된 문화뿐만 아니라, 번역하는 어떤 텍스트의 주제도 충분히 이해해야 합니다.
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