Freelance translators » 프랑스어에서 독일어 » Other » 금속공학/주조 » Page 1

Below is a list of Other: 금속공학/주조 분야 번역의 프랑스어에서 독일어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.

검색 결과 57 ( 멤버십 결제)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

S Rausch
S Rausch
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
english, german, mechanical, automotive, engineering, motorcycles, sps, maschinenbau, elektrotechnik, electrical, ...
Monika Berger
Monika Berger
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
7 years of experience in France, 3 years in Spain. 20 years of experience as a translator.
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
english, french, russian, engineering, technology, software, IT, mechanics, PLC, control systems, ...
Majdi Abualila
Majdi Abualila
Native in 영어 Native in 영어, 독일어 Native in 독일어
Translation, Proofread, computers, technology, software, localization,
Axel Trost
Axel Trost
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
english, german, french, trados, transit, localisation, telecommunication, automation, chemical, process, ...
Ashraf Al Saad
Ashraf Al Saad
Native in 아라비아어 Native in 아라비아어
Armenian, Azeri, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, ...
Frank Eisenhuth
Frank Eisenhuth
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
IT, web sites, software, business, e-commerce, ERP, SAP R/3, press release, marketing, information technology, ...
Native in 영어 Native in 영어, 스페인어 (Variants: Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Latin American, Standard-Spain, Colombian) Native in 스페인어
marketing, mercadeo, business, negocios, insurance, seguros, fashion, moda, transport, transporte, ...
Kickwords Limited
Kickwords Limited
Native in 영어 Native in 영어
translation services, translation online, translator, certified translations, usa, canada, uk, translate, word translate, language translator, ...
Elisabeth Moser
Elisabeth Moser
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어, 영어 Native in 영어
tourism, menus, hotels, medical, localization, ad copy, slogans, slang, medicine, pharmaceuticals, ...
Carl Stoll
Carl Stoll
Native in 영어 Native in 영어, 스페인어 Native in 스페인어
business, Chemie, chemistry, chimica, chimie, contracts, contratos, contrats, contratti, derecho, ...
Elfie Kinzler
Elfie Kinzler
Native in 독일어 (Variant: Austrian) Native in 독일어
patents, Patente, brevets, Telekommunikationen, telecommunication, technology, Technik, computers, Handbücher, Users Guides, ...
Elmar Bierbaum
Elmar Bierbaum
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
Array IT(정보기술) , 인터넷, 전자상거래, 자재 (플라스틱, 세라믹 등) , 기계학/기계공학, ...
Ariane Mondon
Ariane Mondon
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
Array 의료: 심장학 , 에너지/발전, 금속공학/주조
anja monette metzeler
anja monette metzeler
Native in 프랑스어 (Variants: Swiss, Standard-France) Native in 프랑스어, 독일어 (Variants: Swiss, Germany) Native in 독일어
Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, traduction, interprète, sous-titrage, rédaction, réviseur, vérification orthographe et style Übersetzung, Dolmetschen, ...
Ruth Kalmund
Ruth Kalmund
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
french, italian, german, translation, technology, automobile, automation, energy, environment, information technology, ...
Bettina Thiel
Bettina Thiel
Native in 독일어 (Variant: Germany) Native in 독일어
patents, patent ligitations, telecom, glass, plastics, energy, chemistry, SAP, information technology, quality management, ...
Caroline Koehler
Caroline Koehler
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
Übersetzung, Traduction, français, allemand, deutsch, französisch, englisch, anglais, Translation, Marketing, ...
Andrea Roux
Andrea Roux
Native in 독일어 (Variant: Germany) Native in 독일어
textes publicitaires, textes juridiques, textes journalistiques, traductions littéraires, contenu de haute qualité pour sites web et e-commerce, advertorials, publireportages, compétence interculturelle révision de traductions automatiques
Christiane Feldmann-Leben
Christiane Feldmann-Leben
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
Japanisch, übersetzen, Übersetzung, Chemie, Medizin, Pharmazie, E-Technik, Wissenschaft, Patent, Englisch, ...

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