Freelance translators » 프랑스어에서 독일어 » Other » 증명서, 학위, 면허, 이력서 » Page 4

Below is a list of Other: 증명서, 학위, 면허, 이력서 분야 번역의 프랑스어에서 독일어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.

검색 결과 142 ( 멤버십 결제)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Mohammad Khalid
Mohammad Khalid
Native in 아라비아어 (Variants: Algerian, Tunisian, Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE, Sudanese, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, Yemeni, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi) Native in 아라비아어, 영어 (Variants: US, Singaporean, Jamaican, French, Australian, US South, South African, New Zealand, Indian, British, Wales / Welsh, UK, Scottish, Irish, Canadian) Native in 영어
Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Training, Subtitling, Project management, localizing, Proofreading, translation, localization, ...
Sabrina Klob
Sabrina Klob
Native in 플라망어 Native in 플라망어, 독일어 Native in 독일어
English, German, Dutch, content creation, copywriting, localisation, website, software, technology, translation, ...
Ulrike Bergmeister
Ulrike Bergmeister
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Bavarian, Belgian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy), Alsatian, Swiss, Swabian, Saxon (Upper), Luxembourgish) Native in 독일어
English, French, German, civil law, administrative law, criminal law, code civil, Bürgerliches Recht, Verwaltungsrecht, Strafrecht, ...
Eva Horetzeder
Eva Horetzeder
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
German translations, Switzerland, English, French, Spanish, food industry, automotive industry, tourism, marketing, advertising, ...
Hannah Gunasingh
Hannah Gunasingh
Native in 영어 (Variants: Indian, US, British) Native in 영어
translation, interpretation, German, English, French, Tamil: technical documents, legal documents, emails, letters, medical reports, ...
Ana Loncar
Ana Loncar
Native in 크로아티아어 (Variants: standard, Bosnian) Native in 크로아티아어, 독일어 (Variant: Germany) Native in 독일어
German, technical, flexible, reliable, Croatian, high-quality, experience, reliability, flexibility, high output, ...
Julia Walter
Julia Walter
Native in 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어, 독일어 Native in 독일어
french, german, art, culture, history, archeology, press information, arts, culture, catalogue, ...
Ellen Buchborn-Klos
Ellen Buchborn-Klos
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
Array컴퓨터: 소프트웨어, IT(정보기술) , 컴퓨터(일반)
Elke Trautwein
Elke Trautwein
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
beglaubigte Übersetzungen, Recht, Patente, AGBs, Verträge, Lichttechnik, Tourismus, Kunst, Musik
Anja Bessel
Anja Bessel
Native in 독일어 Native in 독일어
translator, sworn, state certified, french, german, english, authentic acts, business, commerce, economics, ...
Sakshi Garg
Sakshi Garg
Native in 영어 (Variants: US, Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, British, New Zealand, Scottish, South African, US South, Canadian, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican) Native in 영어, 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
French, English, Hindi, Translation, Interpretation, Transcription, Legal, Medical, Documentary, General, ...
Katrin Nymburg
Katrin Nymburg
Native in 체코어 (Variant: Standard-Czech) Native in 체코어, 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Germany, Swiss) Native in 독일어
English, French, Czech, German, Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Turkish, translator, translation, ...
Gertrud Hurck
Gertrud Hurck
Native in 독일어 
Englisch, Französisch, French to German, English to German, Vertragsübersetzung, Aktien, Urkundenübersetzung, statutes, business documents, court, ...
Maria Theresia Breitenberger
Maria Theresia Breitenberger
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy)) 
English, German, French, Russian, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch, anglais, allemand, ...
Constanze Deus-Konrad
Constanze Deus-Konrad
Native in 독일어 
Fachübersetzung, Übersetzung, Lektorat, Korrektorat, Korrekturlesen, Textanpassung, Terminologieerstellung, Tourismus, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Medizin, ...
Native in 프랑스어 
technical translation, editorial translation, marketing, consumer electronics, MPTE projects, engineering, apple products, general conversation (greetings, letters)
D.K. Tannwitz
D.K. Tannwitz
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Bavarian, Austrian, Germany, Platt / Nieder (Low German)) 
contract law, literature, documentation, patents, medicine, biology, mining, economy, data systems, communications, ...
Christiane Lindstädt-Diehl
Christiane Lindstädt-Diehl
Native in 독일어 
France, pension, Rente, social security, sécurité sociale, Paris, contracts, diplomas, Verträge, Sozialversicherung, ...
Dominique Elser (X)
Dominique Elser (X)
Native in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy), Swiss, Swabian) 
Engineering, Technology, Patents, Science, Telecommunications, Travel & Tourism, Surveys, Manuals, SEO
Abdu Mojahed
Abdu Mojahed
Native in 아라비아어 
Content services Linguistic services Translation services

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번역은 하나의 언어에서 다른 언어로의 단순한 단어 대 단어 전환 그 이상의 것을 포함합니다. 번역가는 반드시 원어 및 번역어와 관련된 문화뿐만 아니라, 번역하는 어떤 텍스트의 주제도 충분히 이해해야 합니다.

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