Freelance translators » 프랑스어에서 독일어 » Other » 증명서, 학위, 면허, 이력서 » Page 4
Below is a list of Other: 증명서, 학위, 면허, 이력서 분야 번역의 프랑스어에서 독일어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 추가 검색 분야를 확인하시려면 오른편의 링크를 클릭하여 고급 검색을 시도하십시오.
검색 결과 142 ( 멤버십 결제)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
61 |
Mohammad KhalidNative in 아라비아어 (Variants: Algerian, Tunisian, Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), UAE, Sudanese, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, Yemeni, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi)  , 영어 (Variants: US, Singaporean, Jamaican, French, Australian, US South, South African, New Zealand, Indian, British, Wales / Welsh, UK, Scottish, Irish, Canadian) 
Translation, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Training, Subtitling, Project management, localizing, Proofreading, translation, localization, ...
62 |
English, German, Dutch, content creation, copywriting, localisation, website, software, technology, translation, ...
63 |
Ulrike BergmeisterNative in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Bavarian, Belgian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy), Alsatian, Swiss, Swabian, Saxon (Upper), Luxembourgish) 
English, French, German, civil law, administrative law, criminal law, code civil, Bürgerliches Recht, Verwaltungsrecht, Strafrecht, ...
64 |
German translations, Switzerland, English, French, Spanish, food industry, automotive industry, tourism, marketing, advertising, ...
65 |
translation, interpretation, German, English, French, Tamil:
technical documents, legal documents, emails, letters, medical reports, ...
66 |
Ana LoncarNative in 크로아티아어 (Variants: standard, Bosnian)  , 독일어 (Variant: Germany) 
German, technical, flexible, reliable, Croatian, high-quality, experience, reliability, flexibility, high output, ...
67 |
french, german, art, culture, history, archeology, press information, arts, culture, catalogue, ...
68 |
Array컴퓨터: 소프트웨어, IT(정보기술) , 컴퓨터(일반)
69 |
beglaubigte Übersetzungen, Recht, Patente, AGBs, Verträge, Lichttechnik, Tourismus, Kunst, Musik
70 |
translator, sworn, state certified, french, german, english, authentic acts, business, commerce, economics, ...
71 |
Sakshi GargNative in 영어 (Variants: US, Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, British, New Zealand, Scottish, South African, US South, Canadian, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican)  , 프랑스어 
French, English, Hindi, Translation, Interpretation, Transcription, Legal, Medical, Documentary, General, ...
72 |
Katrin NymburgNative in 체코어 (Variant: Standard-Czech)  , 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Germany, Swiss) 
English, French, Czech, German, Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Turkish, translator, translation, ...
73 |
Englisch, Französisch, French to German, English to German, Vertragsübersetzung, Aktien, Urkundenübersetzung, statutes, business documents, court, ...
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English, German, French, Russian, Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch, anglais, allemand, ...
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Fachübersetzung, Übersetzung, Lektorat, Korrektorat, Korrekturlesen, Textanpassung, Terminologieerstellung, Tourismus, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Medizin, ...
76 |
technical translation, editorial translation, marketing, consumer electronics, MPTE projects, engineering, apple products, general conversation (greetings, letters)
77 |
D.K. TannwitzNative in 독일어 (Variants: Bavarian, Austrian, Germany, Platt / Nieder (Low German))
contract law, literature, documentation, patents, medicine, biology, mining, economy, data systems, communications, ...
78 |
France, pension, Rente, social security, sécurité sociale, Paris, contracts, diplomas, Verträge, Sozialversicherung, ...
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Dominique Elser (X)Native in 독일어 (Variants: Austrian, Germany, South Tyrol (Italy), Swiss, Swabian)
Engineering, Technology, Patents, Science, Telecommunications, Travel & Tourism, Surveys, Manuals, SEO
80 |
Content services
Linguistic services
Translation services
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300,000명 이상의 등록된 번역가 및 통역사와 함께, ProZ.com은 세계 최대의 언어 전문가들의 온라인 데이터베이스를 갖고 있습니다. 번역가를 찾으시려면 언어쌍을 선택하시거나 1,539,400번역가 및 통역사 고급 검색을 시도하십시오. 또한 번역 일감 게시를 통해 특정 번역 프로젝트에 대한 견적을 요청하실 수 있습니다.
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