Translation glossary: ACTA Fishing

Showing entries 51-100 of 206
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eel basketnasa para anguilas 
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elasticity of netting yarnelasticidad del hilo para red 
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elongation of netting yarnestiramiento de hilo para red 
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encircling gillnetred de enmalle de cerco 
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fish potnasa 
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fish pumpbomba para peces 
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fishing floatflotador 
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fishing lamplámpara de pesca 
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flapper of trawlnettrampa de la red de arrastre 
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fleet of netsandana de redes 
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fly-dragging Danish seiningpescar en marcha con red danesa 
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flymeshmalla libre 
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foam plasticplástico poroso 
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foil of roperollo de cabo 
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front weightpeso anterior 
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full mesh in cutting of nettingmalla entera en la reducción de la red 
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fyke netgarlito 
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g-hookgancho en G 
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gillnetred de enmalle 
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grassrope of trawlrelinga de bonote de arte de arrastre 
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ground roperelinga de plomos 
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gun-harpoonarpón lanzado por cañón 
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hand liftnetred izada portátil 
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hand-harpoonarpón de mano 
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handlineaparejo de mano 
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hanging ratiocoeficiente de colgadura 
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haul of a netcopo contenido 
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head of a hookojo del anzuelo 
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head roperelinga de corchos 
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headlinerelinga superior 
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heaving bagsaco de izar 
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high opening bottom trawlarte de arrastre de gran abertura vertical 
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영어에서 스페인어
hook tipagalla 
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hydrofoil trawl boardpuerta hidrodinámica de arte de arrastre 
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joining of net sectionsunión de paños de red 
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knotless nettingred sin nudos 
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lastridge of trawlnetrelinga de contorno 
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lay of ropecolchado de un cabo 
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leg of trawlpernada 
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lengthening piece of trawlnetantecopo 
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liftnetred izada 
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light fishingpesca con luz 
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link of chaineslabón de cadena 
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