Translation glossary: economics

Showing entries 151-200 of 1,762
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���p���uǐ��(�  7�'RAROC (risk adjusted return on capital) 7����!��0�� 7� risk ���Ɍ���Ď�  7psecurities-collateral bonds  7� ���Ɍ��̄����� 7b(losses on sal 
한국어에서 영어
� �� ��������4� 7�tactical management 7�� �� �ǰ�0���  77 TAA (tactical asset allocation)  7�ȩ�p�X��� 7tvault  7 
한국어에서 영어
Ȭ�� ȵ������Ĭ 7s%SEM (strategic enterprise management) 7�Ȭ�� ������  7i#EIP (enterprise information portal) 7Ȱ��¤�\� 7fcomputer sys 
한국어에서 영어
�� � ����<� 7cash and cash equivalent 7����� ��  7lcash and bank depmonetize  7�<� 7�articles in kind  7�֬��X� 7 PV (present va 
한국어에서 영어
�Ȍ�D��(�}���  7,agreement of the pecuniary expenditure loan  7��Ď�  7m���  7 performance  7 
한국어에서 영어
�a��, D� ��1�  7� nonlinearity 7��(Ǖ� 7fixed rate method  7�pȑǐ�  7 
한국어에서 영어
��̸0����Ŵ�Ĭ  7commission-based salary system  7��uǐ�  7a beneficiary  7s 
한국어에서 영어
���� Ē��D��  7�net level premium reserve  7������D��  7s+guaranteed mort����̸�� �D�� 7�pure premium reserve 7�����̸(�  7�net premium rate  7 
한국어에서 영어
한국어에서 영어
 ���Ɍ��������  7�allowance for valuation  7�<  ���Ɍ��������Xօ�  7�/rev���(�  7�paid monthly leave  7� �0�����ų  7�organic solvent poisoning  7� 
한국어에서 영어
 ���Ɍ�������  7cloan on securities  7 ���Ɍ�tǐ�  7 interest on securities ���Ɍ��̄�t�u�  7"gains on disposition of securities 7� 
한국어에서 영어
 �֐ǰ� �������  7&losses on valuation of tangible asset  7� �֐ǰ��̄�t�u�  7 (gains on disposition of tangible assets  7 
한국어에서 영어
(�0�t���t�ulj����  7�8unappropriated retained earnings at the end of the year  7�(�ɷ����  7(̅��� �8�� buy-out specialist (̥�  7t�senior manager  7t�(�Ɍ� land use rights )�� 
한국어에서 영어
@ljՌ� �X� ��լ�  7captive insurer  7�L�1�y�L��¤�\�  7pvoice recording system�Ĭ�֬� ���Ɍ�  7!securities in affiliated company  7�����ų��  7a supervisor  
한국어에서 영어
������X� ����� 7�information reporting  7���� ����� EC 7 utilized EC 7���� �Ɉ����� 7actual insolvency 7 
한국어에서 영어
Ĭ}Ő�t�u�0����D�� 7UEL 7 Ĭ}Ő�t�u�0������D�� 78excess reserve for participaĬ����X� 0���  7arangement of accounts  7Ĭ������̸ 7account maintenance 
한국어에서 영어
�ij (����Ɍ�X�) 7selloff 7����  7�4�  7Manager  �  7 transaction  7���p���  7off-balance sheet transaction  7spe 
한국어에서 영어
������|������  7portable benefit packages  7D�Ƭ�0�l�  7NBO: non-business ����e���@lj�  7/European Bank for Reconstruction & Development  7����ǰ�  7 
한국어에서 영어
DՔ�t��X� ��Ɛ�� 78 idle capital 74DՔƐ��� 7Zoperating capital 7�\�m���i������  7KOSPI  7\�ijp��� ����� 7under a credit line  7 
한국어에서 영어
Ē��D��Ĭ��0��  7Treserve basis  7TĒ��D��ȅ�  7Tincrease in policy reserv���ť�%��� XǬ�  7 ability and willingness to work  7\�`� 7� 
한국어에서 영어
縕늬鐵좼��ũ���  7�-reserve for collective retirement allowances  7貴������� 7severance ben 
한국어에서 영어
貴��������X��  7 deposit on retirement insurance  7���  7ecoverage  7���Ď� secured debt ��0����  7net loss for the year  7�� 
한국어에서 영어
貴��¥DŽ�� �¤�\� 7$GMAS (group market analysis system)  7貴���� 7 Group Sales縕늬鐵좼 
한국어에서 영어
̹0�U�Ȁ� ABS  7 term ABS  7��0�����Ď�  7MBB (mortgage-backed bonds)  7��4����  7 
한국어에서 영어
����D�� �uǝɌ�  7 beneficiary certificate of bonds 7����0��|� 7!base date of� 7&engagement in government related jobs  7��D�  7public loan, public debt  7 
한국어에서 영어
���̸��ݴ����ij  7)taxation allowance for insurance premium  7����̸��  7o �a� 7income tax refunds 7��x�8�D��� 7income tax expenses  7��x�8�� 
한국어에서 영어
��������Ď�  7�MBS  7��D��  7� reserve fund  74�Ɍ� ����x�  7 paying agent  7��� 
한국어에서 영어
������\��$��a�  7!maximum-hypothec creation amount  7���Ɍ�  7defined flaoti��� � x����  7Hsurveillance and licensing  7H���D� ���  7 %make an estimate 
한국어에서 영어
ٳ|�x��� �\� ,Ґ� 7investment in a single issuer 7ٳȬ�p�� 7dynamic rebalanc� 7classification 7�0�  7 registration  7��X�� 7 
한국어에서 영어
\�ij�Ʃ��\�8���$�Ĭ 7nlimit process design  7�\�|�`Հ� 2  7�Hanil Hire-Purchasediscount  7 `՝����  7gpremium  7�tՌ�p��� 7tunwind 7 
한국어에서 영어
�������ij� ��@�  7��under-capitalized 7���������ijD�(� 7��capital adequacy ratio�ǰ��Ʃ�1�������  7�"investment performance attribution 7��ǰ��Ʃ��u� 7�investment 
한국어에서 영어
�������̸|� ���  7reimburse the paid premium  7����� ��0��  7r grace period  7 � 
한국어에서 영어
���ťǴ� ������(�  7�in-plant training  7����Ɛ����  7�employers' members  ���Ŭ�t�����  7�'industrial accident coverage insurance  7����� accident at work 
한국어에서 영어
������©�����¤�\� 7� BSS (behavioral scoring system)  < 7����Ŭǰ��� 7�patents -�� 7� prepayment  7�advance payments 7� � 
한국어에서 영어
��4�l�p�� �Ƚ��  7,reserve for financial structure improvement  7l�������  7r(r��  7eacounts payable of reinsurance  7 �������̸  7ereinsurance commission  7 
한국어에서 영어
��4�l�p�� �Ƚ��  7,reserve for financial structure improvement  7��P���  7unissued  7(�0�t��� 7 carried over to subsequent year  7Xְ��  7 
한국어에서 영어
�ǰ����(�a��D��  7$provision for revaluation of assets  7��Ǭ����  7l retrocess�0�$�X��Ȑ��� 'loss on prior period error corrections 
한국어에서 영어
���ƌ�t���0���)���  7�three-factor contribution plan  7����Ď�����t�u� gain on recovery of bad debts 
한국어에서 영어
�����̬���Ռ֬�  7collection agency  7�����  7take-over bid (TOB) 7bear hug  7��0��ǰ�  7��0���D�  7long-term liabilities  7l 
한국어에서 영어
���������̸�D��  7 unearned premium reserve  7������l�  7eaesthetic zone  � 0���� dividends payable���� 
한국어에서 영어
�������������ij  7eemployee pension benefit plan  7���i����  7ecomprehensive i����u�`� )��� PE (price-to-earning) ��� ����t�u�  7ordinary income per stock  7���� �t� 
한국어에서 영어
����\�ٳ (|��)  7� moonlighting  7���D��X� 7debt servicing 7����D�@� ����Ĭ  7�total return  7r�Ď�  7 total loans  7�� 
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