회원 등록 시기 May '17

사용하는 언어:
한국어에서 영어

CJ Colling
캐나다 공인 한영 번역가(특허·금융·법률)


모국어: 영어 Native in 영어
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8 positive reviews
(3 unidentified)

1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)

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What CJ Colling is working on
May 8, 2021 (posted via ProZ.com):  Certified Korean to English Translation of Certificate of Family Relationships (가족관계증명서) as supporting documentation being submitted to IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) ...more, + 10 other entries »
Total word count: 0

사용자 메시지
Corey Colling. CTTIC Certified Korean to English Translator [email protected]
계정 유형 Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified 검증된 멤버
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
제휴 This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
서비스 Translation, Transcription, Editing/proofreading, Transcreation, Software localization, Training, Website localization, Desktop publishing
전문 지식
전문 분야:
금융(일반) 자동차/승용차 및 화물차
특허컴퓨터: 시스템, 네트워크
부동산 IT(정보기술)
법률(일반) 법률: 특허, 상표, 저작권
법률: 계약

Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 2,261
자원 봉사 / 무료 작업 등록된 비영리 단체의 자원 봉사 작업 고려 예정

KudoZ 활동 (PRO) 질문 수: 6
포트폴리오 제출한 번역 견본들: 3
경험 번역 경력: 15년 ProZ.com 등록: Jan 2011 회원이 된 때: May 2017
자격증 한국어에서 영어 (Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia, verified)
소프트웨어 Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Google Translator Toolkit, Lingotek, Lokalise, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System

웹사이트 https://www.koreanenglish.com/
CV/Resume 영어 (PDF)
전문적 경험 CJ Colling 수락 ProZ.com's 전문직 지침.

I mainly translate and certify Korean patent applications and prior art documentation involving numerous technical fields (semiconductors, terminals, display devices, RFID, NFC, and telecommunication devices) into English.

I also hold the designation of Certified Korean to English translator and am a Certified Member in good standing with the provincial translation associations in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, Ontario, and Nova Scotia.

I have handled some challenging and unique translation assignments, including documents from North Korea and the period of Korea under Japanese rule. I've worked in some capacity on many notable legal translation cases that have appeared in the news. Depending on my current schedule I also welcome requests from charities or non-profit organizations. I also dedicate a certain number of hours each month mentoring those who are interested in becoming professional Korean translators.

I have also completed several translations requests involving legal, financial, immigration, and life sciences content. Even if you have an existing Korean translation solution in place, I'm happy to provide a second opinion as a subject matter expert.

Services Provided:

Korean Audio and Video File Transcription

Certified Korean>English Translation and Proofreading

Hanja>English Translation Korean Handwriting Translation

Korean Copywriting

Korean Third-Party Translation Review

Korean Cultural Consultation

키워드: Rich and diverse experience in texts unique to Korea, scientific documentation, academic literature, technical information, litigation discovery materials, handwritten Korean, audio/visual files, marketing surveys, non-profit organizations 한국어 전문 문서와 관련하여 풍부하고 다양한 경험 보유, 비영리단체. See more.Rich and diverse experience in texts unique to Korea, scientific documentation, academic literature, technical information, litigation discovery materials, handwritten Korean, audio/visual files, marketing surveys, non-profit organizations 한국어 전문 문서와 관련하여 풍부하고 다양한 경험 보유, 비영리단체, 과학 관련 문서, 학술 문헌, 기술 정보, 법원, 광고, 은행 및 재정, 비즈니스 마케팅, 토목 공학, 데이터 통신, 경제, 전기 공학, 법과 법학, 의료, 노동위생 및 산업위생, 의료 — 정신과, 금속 공학, 특허 번역, 정치학, 증거개시, 자필 한국어, 오디오/이미지 파일, 마케팅 설문조사, 이민 서류, 계약서. See less.

최신 업데이트된 프로필
Jul 13, 2024

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