This event is part of 2011 Recruitment day event Sep 28, 2011 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (4,629) (Members shown first) |
 Checked in | Malberg  Reliable, flexible and thorough 덴마크 Native in 덴마크어  Freelancer | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Natalia Aleynikova  IT, GAMES, APPS, MARKETING. 스페인 Native in 러시아어 (Variant: Standard-Russia)  Freelancer | Chelyabinsk State University, MA-Chelyabinsk State University, UTR, IAPTI, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Rebecca Leon  Precise, Professional and Always on Time 미국 Native in 영어 (Variants: UK, British, US South, US, Canadian)  Freelancer | Certified Medical Interpreter-State of Washington, BA-Southern Oregon University, ATA, TTIG, NOTIS, SOMI, MATI, 28 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Anette Hilgendag  A passion for words 스페인 Native in 독일어 (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | Spain:Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Univ. Passau, APTIC, TRIAC, ASETRAD, 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Britt Elli  When you need speed and accuracy! 노르웨이 Native in 영어  , 노르웨이어  Freelancer | The University of Oslo, 35 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Laureana Pavon  Degrees in Engineering + Translation 우루과이 Native in 스페인어  , 영어  Freelancer | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Civil Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Facultad de Lenguas), MA-Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, CTPPC, 33 years of experience |
|  Checked in | texjax DDS PhD  Degree + PhD in Dentistry, ATA-Certified Native in 이탈리아어  Freelancer | Bio: Degree and Ph.D. in Dentistry, over 13 years of experience in medical translations.
Certified by ATA in trhe EN>IT language pair.
Areas of expertise:
• Dentistry
• Medical
• Pharmaceuticals
• Biotech
• Medical equipments/devices
• Scien...ce
• Chemistry
• Mathematics & Statistics
• Journalism
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|  Checked in | Gunter Verbeeck  accurate and affordable 벨기에 Native in 플라망어 (Variant: Dutch)  , 네덜란드어 (Variant: Flemish)  Freelancer | Bio: I'm a UK based Dutch / Flemish native speaker with excellent written and spoken English and French skills. Having had a language focus in my formal education with certification in Commerce and Languages, St. Aloysius, Antwerp, Belgium, and Office and Commercial Language...s, HAM Malines, Belgium, plus over 20 years of ongoing usage of the above languages, I'm able to offer practical, fluent, and down-to-earth translations. I have up-to-date usage of my various spoken and written language skills through continual interpreting and translating assignments in my customer service position. I have lived in both Europe and the United States with my American spouse, who with her many years of diverse teaching experience offers me a solid back-up in my translating.
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|  Checked in | Jaromír Rux  vereidigter Übersetzer in Prag 체코 공화국 Native in 체코어  Freelancer | The Chamber of Court Appointed Interpreters and Tr, GD-Dipl.-Ing. - Technische Hochschule Ilmenau, Germany, 36 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Salman Rostami  Quality is not an accident! 캐나다 Native in 페르시아어(파르시)  Freelancer | Chabahar Maritime University, MA-Chabahar Maritime University, STIBC, 19 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Nina Scutelnic  Reliable and always on time! 몰도바 Native in 루마니아어 (Variant: Romania)  , 러시아어 (Variant: Standard-Russia)  Freelancer | 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Cagdas Karatas  L10n Spc. / MT Post-Editor - AI Reviewer 터키 Native in 터키어  Freelancer | Istanbul University, Turkey, BA-Department of English Language and Literature, Istanbul University, 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | S.S.I.T. - Florence, Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici "Carlo Bo", Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazion (previously Istituto Universitario di Lingue Moderne), MA-IULM - Milan - Italy, ANITI, MET, 35 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | St.St.Cyril & Methodius University of Veliko Turno, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, MA- Applied Linguistics at St.St.Cyril and Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria), 24 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Cécile A.-C.  Your true language partner 미국 Native in 포르투갈어 (Variant: Brazilian)  , 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France)  Freelancer | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, MA-Universidade Domitia - Perpignan - France, ATA, 27 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Gabriela Wolochwianski  TIME Translations & Training 아르헨티나 Native in 스페인어 (Variants: Latin American, Chilean, Argentine, Mexican, US)  | American Translators Association, Colegio de Traductores de la Pcia de Santa Fe, OTHER-Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado de Rosario, Argentina, ATA, 35 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Anna Massera  Legal and technical translator 이탈리아 Native in 이탈리아어 (Variants: Swiss , Standard-Italy)  Freelancer | Italy: UNIPR, MA-University of Parma, Italy, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Katie Bird  Offering top quality translations 영국 Native in 영어 (Variant: British)  Freelancer | University of Westminster, MA-The University of Westminster, 11 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Silke Streit  Professional translations to German 네델란드 Native in 독일어 (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | Message: Hello to all! |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Freelance interpreter for the European Commission/private market since 1996 (1996-1998 based in Brussels, 1998-2011 based in Athens). Also since 1996, freelance translator mostly in EU matters, law, environment etc. Working languages: French, Spanish, English and, of co...urse, Greek.More Less |
|  Checked in | keelin feeney  IT, Business and Marketing 아일랜드 Native in 영어  Freelancer | Bio: Spanish, Catalan, French and Irish > English
Message: Greetings from Barcelona. |
|  Checked in | Philippe ROUSSEAU  Here for you in linguistic challenges ! 프랑스 Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France)  Freelancer | Diplôme de compétence en langue, Min. Ed. Nat., , Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, BA-Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales (INALCO), études philippines, 11 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Anna Rita D'Amato  +30yr experienced & certified translator 이탈리아 Native in 이탈리아어  Freelancer | UNISS, MA-Foreign Languages and Literatures - University of Studies - Italy, 37 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ivana UK  Bilingual dual national +30 years' exp. 영국 Native in 영어 (Variant: British)  , 이탈리아어 (Variant: Standard-Italy)  Freelancer | CIOL DPSI , Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-DPSI, Chartered Institute of Linguists / Bilingual, Chartered Institute of Bankers Scotland, CIOL, 33 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | ETS, PHD-ISC, RAS, 32 years of experience |
|  Checked in | cristina orriols  15 years in medical interpreting&trans 스페인 Native in 스페인어  Freelancer | European Masters in Conference Interpreting, Chartered Institute of Linguists, University of Westminster, MA-University of Westminster, TREMEDICA, CIOL, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Javi Tazinafo  Localization, Marketing, IT 브라질 Native in 포르투갈어 (Variant: Brazilian)  Freelancer | Universidade Gama Filho, GD-Universidade Gama Filho - Brazil, ABRATES, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: Living on the Canary Islands since 2001, Conference Interpreting Trainer since 2003, Freelance translator since 1997, I studied in Germany German Philology and during my freelance translator years I have specialized in the automotive sector, software localization and tr...anslation of manuals.More Less |
|  Checked in | Gerardo Garcia Ramis  Localization/Transcreation - Puerto Rico 푸에르토리코 Native in 스페인어 (Variants: Puerto Rican, US)  Freelancer | American Translators Association, ATA, 40 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | certificate Methodics/didactics of German, 35 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Adam Benneter  Quality is paramount 독일 Native in 독일어 (Variant: Germany)  Freelancer | University of Freiburg, 21 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Bio: 20+ years of IT and medical translation experience. |
|  Checked in | Alicia Orfalian  Finance, Health Care & HR Pro 아르헨티나 Native in 스페인어 (Variant: Latin American)  Freelancer | Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, BA-Sworn Legal Translator, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, CTPCBA, 41 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Tran Hai Ha  Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, Burmese 베트남 Native in 베트남어  Freelancer | Bio: English-Vietnamese, Laos and Khmer translation service
I am a native and experienced Vietnamese translator ,who lives in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. I offer language translation services from English to Vietnamese, Laos and Khmer (Cambodian). If you wish to employ... the services of an expert translator for your website, documents, software, books, etc., from English into Vietnamese, Laos and Khmer (Cambodian) or vice versa, please contact me. I accept payment via Paypal.
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|  Checked in | Livia D'Ettorre  Experience as in-house translator and PM 스페인 Native in 이탈리아어  Freelancer | Bio: Italian freelance translator, with experience working as in-house translator and PM. Translation services from English, Spanish and Dutch into Italian. Fields of specialization: marketing, press releases, computer hardware and software, consumer electronics.
Extensive ...use of CAT tools. Member of the NGTV (The Netherlands Society of Interpreters and Translators).More Less Message: Hello and thank you for your interest in my services! |
|  Checked in | SUJATA GUPTA  Accurate & Fast 인도 Native in 힌디어  , 벵골어  Freelancer | Bhartiya Bhasha Parishad, , MA-B.Ed.- Calcutta University,, 22 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Tomasz Sienicki  Over 20 years of multilingual experience 덴마크 Native in 폴란드어 (Variant: Standard-Poland)  Freelancer | Gdansk University (Poland), MA-Aalborg Universitet, 18 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Jose Sangrona  Translating & Editing since 1998 미국 Native in 스페인어  , 영어  Freelancer | Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Interiores y Justicia, OTHER-Venezuelan Ministry of Interior and Justice, ATA, Colegio Venezolano de Interpretes Publicos, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela, 26 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Gerwin Jansen  weil Übersetzen ein Fach ist! 네델란드 Native in 네덜란드어  Freelancer and outsourcer | Bio: Read my profile Message: Hello |
|  Checked in | Maria Sampedro  Flexibility. immediate reply. Native in 스페인어 (Variant: Standard-Spain)  Freelancer | Bio: English > Spanish (Spain) Freelance Translator. Working as a translator since 1987. SDL Trados 2009 Certified Translator. Member of ATA, ASETRAD and Xarxa Traductors. Message: Nice to meet you! It would be nice finding other English > Spanish translators to form a team ;) |
|  Checked in | Eugene Gulak  Russian and Ukrainian translator 우크라이나 Native in 러시아어  , 우크라이나어  Freelancer | Kharkov State University, PHD-Kharkov State University, Ukraine, 30 years of experience |
|  Checked in | | Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, BA-Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting, Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO), 17 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Marie Martin  French Canadian native translator Native in 프랑스어 (Variant: Canadian)  , 영어  Freelancer | 14 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Ivan Dimoski  Excellent, reliable, reasonable 마케도니아(구유고마케도니아공화국) Native in 마케도니아어  , 세르비아어  Freelancer | UKIM, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, BA-Faculty of Philology, 27 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Nita Shah  Experienced and dedicated professional 미국 Native in 구자라트어  , 힌디어  Freelancer | 25 years of experience |
|  Checked in | cristina falcão  Medical, Pharmaceutical and Law 포르투갈 Native in 포르투갈어  Freelancer | Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), MA-Catholic University (Law)/ Pharmacy University, 32 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Sally Quinn  Reasonable rates. Love tables and charts 미국 Native in 영어 (Variant: US)  Freelancer | Certificat de Langue Française - Degré Supérieur, BA-Rutgers Univerisyt, 19 years of experience |
|  Checked in | Katarina Delic  Medical translator since 2008! Native in 세르비아어  Freelancer | University of Nish,English Language and Literature, BA-University of Nish,English Department, 15 years of experience |
|  Checked in | steph_cuevas  Quality is top priority 캐나다 Native in 타갈로그어  Freelancer | Bio: I am Stephanie, a full-time freelancer English to Tagalog and Tagalog to English translator and a certified PRO member in I am also a native speaker of Tagalog (Filipino).
I've been working as a freelance translator since the last 3 years providing quality ...translations in both technical and non-technical documents such as brochures, marketing promos/sites, manuals, diplomas, newsletters and websites. Being a chemical engineer, I can also work on Chemistry/Engineering related materials. I have worked on language and website localization projects for Facebook, Google, TermWiki, Gamedesire, Raptr Chat, Finngunn, California Office of Problem Gambling, California Department of Corporations, Philips, HP, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Deluxe Digital Studios (a subtitling company), The Kitchen and Avant Assessment (online language assessment tool) to name a few. Until date, I have expanded my client base in US, UK, Canada, and Asia.More Less |
|  Checked in | | Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, MA-Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, 16 years of experience |
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