Interpreters » 스페인어에서 영어

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1,153 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

João Paulo Duarte Diniz
João Paulo Duarte Diniz
Native in 포르투갈어 (Variants: Brazilian, European/Portugal) Native in 포르투갈어
brazilian portuguese, portuguese, medicine, pharmacy, technology, Native Brazilian, translator, interpreter, English, Italian, ...
Mariana Ramos
Mariana Ramos
Native in 포르투갈어 (Variants: Brazilian, European/Portugal) Native in 포르투갈어
마케팅/시장 조사, 사회 과학, 사회학, 윤리학 등 , 심리학, 철학, ...
Deirdre Malone
Deirdre Malone
Native in 네덜란드어 (Variant: Netherlands) Native in 네덜란드어
translation, transcription, Dutch, English, Spanish, English to Dutch translation, website translation, Spanish to Dutch translation, bilingual translator, Dutch to English translator, ...
Marta Tarragona
Marta Tarragona
Native in 스페인어 (Variants: Latin American, Standard-Spain, Argentine, Mexican, Chilean) Native in 스페인어, 카탈루냐어 (Variants: Oriental, Valencian, Central, Western) Native in 카탈루냐어
tecnología, moda, accesorios, perfumería, informática, software, localización, hardware, marketing, publicidad, ...
Curri Barcelo Avila
Curri Barcelo Avila
Native in 스페인어 Native in 스페인어, 카탈루냐어 Native in 카탈루냐어
Localiser, translator, proofreader, games localisation, games editor, subtitling, dubbing, Spain, Spanish culture, Responsible, ...
Daniel Esteban Sanzol
Daniel Esteban Sanzol
Native in 스페인어 (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in 스페인어
french, english, spanish, translation, translator, edition, editor, editing, proofreading, proofreader, ...
M. Carmen Lozano Arnaldos
M. Carmen Lozano Arnaldos
Native in 스페인어 (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in 스페인어
spanish, english, french, medicine, medical translation, biosanitary translation, pharmacy, pharmaceutical translation, new technologies, AI, ...
Native in 터키어 Native in 터키어
teknik tercüme, tercüme izmir, tercume bürosu izmir, İngilizce çeviri, ceviri, cevirisi, noter tasdikli, turkce, turkceden, turkceye, ...
Alfonso Romero
Alfonso Romero
Native in 스페인어 Native in 스페인어
spanish, english, translation, editing, proofreading, computers, automotive industry, internet, web, programming, ...
Native in 스페인어 Native in 스페인어
화학, 화학 과학/공학 , 시 및 문학, 동물학, 영화 산업, 영화, TV, 드라마, ...
Elsa Caballero
Elsa Caballero
Native in 스페인어 (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in 스페인어
Spanish, health, tourism, interpreting, Spanish interpreter, translation, Spanish translation, legal interpreter, medical interpreter, legal translator, ...
Debora Blake
Debora Blake
Native in 영어 Native in 영어, 프랑스어 (Variant: Standard-France) Native in 프랑스어
voice-over, voix-off, locutora, doppiaggio, pubblicità, propaganda, advertising, publicité, multimedia, correction, ...
Kathleen Miozzo Belfort Santos
Kathleen Miozzo Belfort Santos
Native in 포르투갈어 (Variant: Brazilian) Native in 포르투갈어, 영어 Native in 영어
subtitle, portuguese, documents, english, dubbing, translator
Yasmin Abbas Chakour
Yasmin Abbas Chakour
Native in 아라비아어 (Variants: Moroccan, Egyptian, Palestinian, UAE, Lebanese, Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi ) Native in 아라비아어, 스페인어 (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in 스페인어, 영어 (Variant: US) Native in 영어
english, arabic, spanish, technology, games, gaming, localization, certificates, birth certificates, legal, ...
Javier Moreno Pollarolo
Javier Moreno Pollarolo
Native in 스페인어 Native in 스페인어, 영어 Native in 영어, 러시아어 Native in 러시아어
arts, music, subtitling, spanish, books, TV, movies, movie, script, guión, ...
Sara Summers
Sara Summers
Native in 영어 (Variants: British, UK) Native in 영어
French, German, Spanish, English, translation, proofreading, post-editing, transcreation, marketing, market research, ...
Native in 영어 Native in 영어, 스페인어 Native in 스페인어
Business, Tourism, Academic, Film, TV, Law, Travel, Conference Interpreter, Immigration, Literature, ...
Sophie Cherel
Sophie Cherel
Native in 영어 , 프랑스어 Native in 프랑스어
philosophy, journalist, journalism, literature, academia, academic, broadcasting, tourism, Spanish, English, ...
Irene Roy
Irene Roy
Native in 영어 Native in 영어
Translation, Medical Translation, Legal Translation, Technical Translation, Medical Editing, Technical Authoring, Medical Writing, Proofreading, French to English Translation, Spanish to English Translation, ...
Yvonne Gallagher
Yvonne Gallagher
Native in 영어 (Variants: US, Canadian, Irish, UK) Native in 영어
abstracts, academic papers, accuracy, agriculture, animals, arcane, architecture, art, astrology, buddhism, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.