Freelance translators » 영어에서 한국어 » Medical » Page 6
Below is a list of Medical 분야 번역의 영어에서 한국어 프리랜서 전문 번역가. 오른편에서 보다 상세한 분야를 선택할 수 있습니다.
검색 결과 235 ( 멤버십 결제)
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
101 |
ERP Expert, ERP translation, ERP localization, CRM Expert, CRM translation, CRM localization, Baan Expert, Baan translation, Baan localization, Oracle Expert, ...
102 |
JANE YUNative in 영어  , 중국어 (Variants: Traditional, Simplified) 
Japanese Patent translator, Korean Patent Translator, Chinese Patent Translator, Chinese medical record translator, Japanese medical record translator, Korean medical record translator, drug package insert & information for use, clinical trials and protocols, patient information and informed consent forms (ICF), New drug application (NDA) submission, ...
103 |
Array의료: 치과, 의료: 의약품, 의료: 보건
104 |
Korean, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Legal, Patent, Automotive,
105 |
Jin HanNative in 한국어 (Variant: South Korea) 
Academic, technical, chemical, engineering, architecture, art, art history, humanities, social science, civil engineering. medical, ...
106 |
EN-KO, English to Korean, Korean Translator, medical, life science, biology, chemistry, Medical Document, Treatment Instructions, Clinical Research, ...
107 |
English to Korean, Korean to English, Tourism, Market research, Medical, transcreation, copywriting
108 |
Sol JinNative in 한국어 (Variant: South Korea) 
Product description, label, instruction, help center, newsletter, survey, marketing, message, business, general, ...
109 |
Boram HeoNative in 한국어 (Variant: South Korea) 
korean, english, medical, medicine, clinical trial, patent, life science, cosmetics, IT, newspaper, ...
110 |
English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Japanese, technoloty, software, localization, games, ...
111 |
Korean, law, biz, medicine, technology, software, localization
112 |
Korean, plants, anthroposophy, esoteric science, integrative medicine, biodynamic farming, fiction, memoir, biography, music, ...
113 |
psychology, video games, school, Christianity, localization, Korean, English, film, cinema, literary translation, ...
114 |
English, Korean, patent, technology
115 |
Korean, English, computers, technology, network. localization, Legal, contact, Financial, website, Medical, ...
116 |
Ikjoo Sung (X)Native in 한국어 (Variant: South Korea)
Korean, English, Finance, Music, Aviation, Game, Subtitle, Sports
117 |
JungNative in 한국어 (Variant: South Korea)
Korean, technical, engineering, tourism, travel, business, e-commerce, HR, marketing, cosmetics, ...
118 |
Legal Transcription Services, Legal Translators, Transcription Services, Translators For Assamese Language, Translators For Danish Language, Translators For Dutch Language, Translators
119 |
Sina S.Native in 한국어 (Variants: Gyeongsang, South Korea)  , 일본어 
Corporate Communications, Corporate presentations, Company profiles, Social media marketing strategies, Editorials and newsletters, Slideshow presentations, Company magazines, Higher education marketing, Business cards, Press releases, ...
120 |
Bo LiNative in 한국어 (Variant: South Korea)
computer, technology, legal, medicine, politics, military, environment, film, contract, certificated cards, ...
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관련 섹션: Freelance interpreters
번역가는 통역가처럼 하나의 언어를 다른 언어로 번역해 문화 간의 의사소통을 가능하게 합니다. 번역가는 구어와는 반대로 문어 텍스트로 일을 합니다.
번역은 하나의 언어에서 다른 언어로의 단순한 단어 대 단어 전환 그 이상의 것을 포함합니다. 번역가는 반드시 원어 및 번역어와 관련된 문화뿐만 아니라, 번역하는 어떤 텍스트의 주제도 충분히 이해해야 합니다.
300,000명 이상의 등록된 번역가 및 통역사와 함께, ProZ.com은 세계 최대의 언어 전문가들의 온라인 데이터베이스를 갖고 있습니다. 번역가를 찾으시려면 언어쌍을 선택하시거나 1,540,900번역가 및 통역사 고급 검색을 시도하십시오. 또한 번역 일감 게시를 통해 특정 번역 프로젝트에 대한 견적을 요청하실 수 있습니다.
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