Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Dec 8 '21 eng>pol to take a spin with something Kusić los/fortunę pro closed no
- Dec 3 '18 pol>eng zapłakać się Cry one’s eyes out pro closed ok
4 Nov 22 '18 pol>eng ja wam dam te zwolnienia Fancy sick leave?! Just you try! pro closed no
4 Jan 27 '18 eng>pol on the wrong end of tactics Przeciwko którym skierowane są ich działania pro closed no
4 Jul 26 '16 pol>eng przynieś - podaj - pozamiataj beck and call pro closed ok
4 May 8 '16 eng>pol roadkill Uważaj, bo cię po asfalcie rozmażą! pro closed no
- May 1 '16 eng>pol it doesn't take one to know one Swój swojego nie zawsze pozna pro closed ok
4 Dec 15 '15 eng>pol to pull rainbows and unicorns out of one's ass Tu: w tyłek sobie wsadź tę swoją idyllę pro closed no
4 Oct 28 '15 eng>pol sausage factory Kulisy / za kulisami / od kuchni pro closed no
- Oct 28 '15 eng>pol sausage factory jatka pro closed no
4 Apr 9 '15 eng>pol Personality counts Ważne / liczy się co lubisz pro closed no
4 Mar 23 '15 pol>eng uspokoić calm down / behave pro closed no
4 Dec 10 '14 pol>eng suchar Chestnut pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '14 pol>eng W trosce o Dom Ojczysty Caring for your Motherland pro closed no
- Jul 17 '14 eng>pol big stiffy lacha (ew. wlg. sztywner) pro closed ok
4 Jul 12 '14 eng>pol A handful of guilt is better than a truckload of resentment Lepsze małe poczucie winy niż wielkie poczucie odrazy pro closed no
4 Apr 13 '14 pol>eng powalczyć o portfele Kowalskich work hard to attract Mr and Mrs Average and their wallets pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '14 pol>eng „kulturą stoi” Culture is the cornerstone of... pro closed no
- May 5 '13 eng>pol clone town Tu: miasto będące powieleniem innych pro closed no
4 Apr 8 '13 eng>pol one size fits all Nie objawia się tak samo u wszystkich pro closed no
- Jul 12 '12 eng>pol "You can not squeeze blood out of a turnip" z proznego nie nalejesz pro closed no
4 Sep 13 '10 pol>eng dać palec, wziąć rekę Give somebody an inch and they'll take a mile pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '10 eng>pol gloves come off wszystkie chwyty dozwolone pro closed no
- Feb 28 '09 pol>eng być po jednych pieniądzach they are both as bad as each other pro closed no
- Feb 24 '08 eng>pol as though someone just walked across my grave jak bym poczula tchnienie smierci pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '07 eng>pol Humor me zrob mi te uprzejmosc pro closed no
- Sep 15 '07 pol>eng leczenie własnych kompleksów curing its own (national) insecurities pro closed no
4 Jul 22 '07 eng>pol Pick your battles, make them few nie krusz kopii o drobiazgi pro closed no
- Apr 28 '06 pol>eng lubić kogoś od stóp aż do głowy love every inch of sb pro closed no
- Mar 8 '06 eng>pol it's not over until the fat lady sings dopoki pilka w grze... pro closed ok
4 Nov 20 '05 eng>pol fishing in a paddling pool instead of fish farm lowienie ryb w brodziku, zamiast w (przyslowiowym) stawie rybnym pro closed no
- May 29 '05 pol>eng niebo w gebie simply devine/heavenly pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered