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답변 (조회)
proposals for improvement ( 1 ... 2 ) 21 (8,312)
Not informative message of export errors. 4 (2,180)
How to make DV segmenting text on tabs? 7 (3,139)
Visio 2013-2016 vdx (like docx,xlsx) support 4 (2,372)
DVX3 translation finished but introduced a word file only with half of the pages...what's wrong? 4 (2,200)
How do you automatically get a capital at beginning of a sentence in Deja Vu? 7 (2,843)
Bug at import lexicon from TXT 2 (1,719)
Object variable or With block variable not set 7 (4,048)
Any simple way to transfer ONLY chosen settings (segmentation rules, SQL filters etc) 1 (1,397)
New to DVX3. How can I … ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ... 8 ) 113 (34,533)
Working with Farsi language (or other right-to-left languages) in DVX 2 2 (1,679)
Change font size of text in the AutoSearch window (in DVX3)? 1 (1,393)
Working with Word files from Transtool 3 (1,813)
Any way switch off text formatting when copy text from DVX3 6 (2,282)
Another wrong behaviour of DVX3 5 (2,161)
Text formatting of xliffs (introducing new tags) ~ Trados Quickinsert-toolbar 3 (1,645)
no translations in translation grid after pretranslation 6 (2,392)
pdf filter missing from DVX2 5 (2,142)
Any news on the upcoming version? ( 1 ... 2 ) 22 (8,095)
How can I use a .tmx TM with Déjà Vu X3? 8 (5,268)
I cannot import Excel glossary files 1 (1,554)
How can I change EN-US to EN-GB of an existing bilingual TM? 3 (2,003)
X3: export of huge sdlxliff with comments crashes, but not with X2 0 (1,218)
Sorting matches dosn't always work properly 3 (1,844)
Rookie question re: Concordance Search (Ctrl S) in Deja Vu X3 5 (2,280)
Numbering in Word makes character encoding go nuts 4 (2,055)
DVX2 - What's the difference between a duplicate and an exact match? 4 (2,246)
Importing the notes from PowerPoint files 8 (3,224)
Working with duplicates in Deja Vu X3 8 (2,959)
Some unpleasant things in DVX3 2 (1,727)
new build 736 is appeared 6 (2,396)
Latest Update to DVX3 causing problems with Cntrl A - Resolved 6 (2,625)
Acquisto DVX3 4 (2,050)
Deja vu X3 – bugs and areas to improve ( 1 , 2 , 3 ... 4 ) 54 (22,341)
TM can't be opened or accessed after migration 3 (1,807)
Converting tmx in dvmdb memory format 6 (3,010)
Another one unpleasant bug 0 (1,208)
Another bug - stable crashing of DVX3 4 (2,201)
Found how to «Go to next empty» 3 (1,742)
XML Preview and stylesheets 4 (2,124)
empty 0 (1,515)
DVX3 Russian manual 4 (2,584)
Another BUG 3 (2,176)
Déjà Vu X2 - "copy next code" does not work 4 (2,161)
Upgrade DVX2 to DVX3 1 (1,770)
DVX3 6 (3,484)
BUGS :( 4 (2,809)
Getting segmentation exceptions right in DVX 4 (3,685)
Prevent segmentation in DVX2 3 (1,941)
Segmentation Rules for an Alignment don't work 1 (2,832)
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