Track this forum 주제 게시자
답변 (조회)
Pretranslate with Machine Translation: not all segments are translated 10 (5,871)
Problem with .dvtdb and .tdb files 4 (3,456)
DVX 8.0.505 ( 1 ... 2 ) 18 (9,433)
Unable to add file for translation on DVX 4 (3,340)
Annoying bug: entries from Trados-based TMs not recognized during pretranslation 4 (2,944)
Setting properties to files in subfolders (DV X2) 4 (2,904)
-2147024770: Automation error 6 (5,086)
ALT+F5 9 (4,291)
DVX .tmx file not importing into Trados: why? 5 (3,465)
DVX2 screenshot gallery 3 (2,739)
where did the atril community forum go to? 3 (3,013)
Request for additional "External View" options 1 (2,412)
"Tab key bug" in DVX 1 and DVX 2 7 (3,681)
Deep mining with DVX2 0 (2,295)
Assemble doesn't work - DVX2 professional 9 (5,540)
Déja Vu. Is it logical? 5 (3,023)
Tmx files contain unwanted declaration: !DOCTYPE tmx SYSTEM "tmx14.dtd" 3 (3,661)
handling of ttx files and corresponding ini files in DV X2 5 (4,282)
Translating Word with Trados or DV 3 (6,089)
How long is the trial version for? 3 (3,315)
Blank lines in *.xls files 7 (3,632)
DEJA VU X2 and TXML files 2 (3,976)
Déjà Vu and Mac 1 (2,784)
DV X2 would be great if it wasn't so slow 3 (3,195)
Atril - translation tool 3 (3,655)
Opening terminology database with Access 4 (3,214)
Unable to use the alignment wizard 1 (2,423)
Get Déjà Vu X2 now! 2 (3,579)
Parallel dongle and PCI card 2 (3,451)
pure linguistic information in exported TM 0 (2,148)
Deja Vu X does not open my project; Repair function does not work 3 (3,593)
number of TM restrictions in DVX 5 (4,014)
DVX2 will be published soon! 8 (6,005)
Suddenly the autoimport does not work... 2 (2,824)
Word 2010 import into DVX misses proper nouns, figures 5 (4,238)
how to export .doc? 2 (2,996)
I need help on the origin, evolution (different versions) of Deja Vu as a CAT 1 (2,635)
I can use files.bpm to dejavu ? 0 (2,165)
I can find user manual for dvx Standard 4 (3,861)
a autosugget dictionary crafted with trados can open with dejavu ? 0 (1,915)
Problems installing Deja Vu (installation DC and online version) 5 (4,059)
Finding the latest build for DVX "1" 6 (4,331)
File Navigator is gone 8 (4,471)
Is it possible to import .apxl files into Déjà Vu? 3 (4,846)
Does anyone know how long the trial period is? 5 (3,581)
Suddenly unable to import external view files 3 (3,181)
How do I import a Trados MultiTerm glossary into a Déjà Vu translation memory? 3 (4,149)
External View files: formatting problems with Office 2010 0 (2,423)
Importing aspx.resx.ttx.itd files into Deja Vu X Professional 5 (4,827)
Differences between Deja Vu Standard and Deja Vu Professional 3 (3,825)
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