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답변 (조회)
Importing dictionaries to Deja Vu 0 (1,525)
How do I export a .doc file in dual language file format? 2 (1,904)
Working with Deja Vu X2 3 (2,027)
Deja vu tutorial 6 (3,729)
Hebrew text doesn't appear right 8 (3,064)
Atril Free Webinars - May 0 (1,386)
how to filter certain source words 4 (2,368)
Atril Déjà Vu X3 - virtual event registration now open 3 (2,221)
DJV X2 areas to improve (wishlist) ( 1 , 2 , 3 ... 4 ) 57 (23,916)
DVX3 machine translation 6 (3,223)
I need to reinstall Deja Vu. Would all my TMs and TBs be lost if I reinstall? 4 (2,304)
Sneak preview of Déjà Vu X3! ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 44 (15,698)
DVX3 Sneak Preview - Webinar 1 (2,067)
Is there a way to autopropagate to confirmed segments? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 30 (12,552)
Machine Translation and SQL options disappeared 0 (1,201)
DVX2 installed - problems with menus and can't repair as no .msi file found ( 1 ... 2 ) 18 (6,313)
Déjà Vu's Autowrite - efficiency for Norwegian language? 9 (3,779)
Deja Vu X2 keeps blocking 10 (3,339)
Which versions of Deja vu x2 do I need so 2 computers work concurrently on the same project? 4 (2,440)
Splitting segments in a satellite project 2 (2,015)
Is it possible to move my project templates to another computer? 6 (2,531)
Bug when trying to customize my DVX interface 2 (2,182)
Unsuccessful TM export into Excel ("The wizard successfuly exported 0 segments") 5 (3,069)
No segment visible in imported ttx file 4 (2,256)
Any way putting numbers in brackets (1) (2) into codes? 4 (2,684)
How to edit an existing Déjà Vu X2 Translation Memory 4 (3,203)
Displaying whitespace characters in DVX2 ( 1 ... 2 ) 18 (8,707)
Corrupt file with deja vu 2 (2,381)
How to import Deja vu x2 termbase data into Multiterm 2014? 2 (2,329)
SQL command for removing segments with empty target cells from TM/TB 4 (2,622)
Workflow with lots of repetitions in DVX2 4 (3,078)
Importing of a certain sdlxliff-file fails 7 (3,910)
importing Trados TMs to DejaVu X2 11 (5,576)
Size limitations in DejaVu X2 Workgroup? 8 (14,110)
Newbie questions 5 (3,099)
Spell check in MS Word doesn't work on exported projects 6 (3,304)
Problem with "ph = x" tags when importing TMX from Deja Vu to MadCap Lingo 1 (1,798)
DV doesn't get previously translated segments 3 (2,268)
error message - the activation code doesn't work 2 (2,224)
Project Exportation Problem ( 1 ... 2 ) 19 (7,695)
Re-importing external view created with Deja Vu Professional 3 (2,390)
DEJAVUX2 Bilingual Workbench files 8 (3,257)
Deja vu Urdu 5 (2,870)
Join/split segments inside a TM 6 (3,306)
Problem with TM match recognition 2 (2,318)
File with frames not imported in DVX2 2 (1,687)
DVX project files list disappeared 2 (2,031)
Problem when importing aTrados TTX file into DVX2 7 (3,097)
Turkish characters (i.e. ç, ı, ş ..) change, when importing external xml datasheet 1 (3,593)
Is Déjà Vu compatible with anything? ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (7,848)
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